Time sheet application custom built for my parent's to manage hours reporting on the farm. It is a react app that utilizes firebase for authentication and hosting, firestore database for the database, and Google Cloud functions for some api calls.
Solution finder for the New York Times game Letter Boxed. Currently in search of an official dictionary (or just a better one that doesn't contain 'words' like "hdkf").
Mazes were generated using Prim's algorithm and solved via recursive backtracking.
3 Dimensional Tic Tac Toe with a simple 2D interface. Includes a point-based bot to play against.
Simple AI's were created to play capture the flag on a 2D plane.
Cities were built on a terrain map, and then connected using Dijkstra's algorithm.
A simple predator/prey environment was simulated using a turtle class and rudimentary AI.
This program was written for Crimson Hacks. It converts images compatible with JAVA's BufferedImage class into ASCII representations.